
About Us

Who we are:
Nhimbe is an arts education organization and a leader in cultural policy research, training and advocacy and in the promotion and defence of freedom of creative expression.
We envision a dynamic creative sector where all children and young people in Zimbabwe are engaged with the arts as practitioners and audience members.
We believe:
  • ·Cultural policy is the foundation for arts education.
  • ·Freedom of expression is fundamental to artistic practice.
  • ·Arts education provides fertile ground for a vibrant artistic community within a supportive general populace.
  • ·Advancing arts education in schools is advancing self-awareness and freedom of creative expression.
  • ·Promoting freedom of creative expression is to advance human rights, democracy and a more inclusive cultural identity and society.
To promote arts education for children and young people that leads to an interest in the arts for life. We strive to achieve this through skills development and the creation of platforms for youth in the performing arts, and through advocacy for effective policies that encourage freedom of creative expression.

Value Statement:
We believe that children and young people have the right to be given the opportunity to develop their creativity and the right to express their creativity freely.
To achieve this mission, Nhimbe has designed a series of strategies to reach the programme goals stated below. These strategies cover seven clusters: policy, research, professional development, civil society advocacy, public-sector lobbying, visibility, and strategic alliances.

GOAL ONE: Strengthening an informed leadership: Lead and serve artists and arts networks to help build environments in which the arts and arts education thrive and contribute to cultural policy advocacy and freedom of creative expression.
GOAL TWO:  Increasing resources and meaningful policies for the arts: build the capacity of leadership in the arts to meaningfully influence and improve policies relevant to the creative sector.
GOAL THREE: Advancing the value proposition for the arts: Build individual and collective awareness and appreciation of the value of the arts, arts education and UNESCO conventions and other international standard setting instruments in the field of culture that Zimbabwe has ratified.
GOAL FOUR: Promoting and defending freedom of creative expression: Monitor and campaign around practices and constraints on freedom of creative expression.

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